Thursday, July 25, 2024


   Here's the report that I was trying to post last night when I fell asleep: "Came down to escape the heat and get my Dad Ed out. Glad I brought him so I could get some netting practice. Perch were easy, Halibut were caught all over the bay but only by my Dad. Us other two watchers were impressed. See y’all soon.

Swampy"  Nice fish, and nice job, Ed. The catching has been a bit slow, so it is good to see someone catching some nice fish. Swampy is a fish killer, but it seems that when things look tough, he turns, as many of us do, to people with more experience and better luck. Go Ed. Show 'em how it's done. Actually, maybe you could show me how it's done. 
    In other Wednesday news, the sardines are back and they are thick in the water at the deep hole at Pelican Point. Yesterday there were some big stripers feeding on the sardines judging by the stripers that were successfully landed. Today the sardines were there but no stripers. Gage and I caught some sardines in the hole and then moved off toward Hog Island and caught our four halibut there. One other guy saw us doing that and caught his limit there. I didn't hear of many more, but don't give up; it is possible. The fish are there (somewhere) and they like sardines. A lot.
   Gage would like everybody to know that the stripers are still biting, somewhere out there in the fog. He was using a Redrum tube in pearl white. Stripers care less about water temps. The water is warming up, though, and happiness should be on the way soon. 

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