Monday, March 29, 2010

Here's a couple of charts provided by DFG to show the closed fishing areas. The Point Reyes Headlands MPA might still be changing. Perhaps they left us too much. At any rate, these go into effect on April 1st. The red areas mean no take, the blue areas are essentially salmon by trolling and dungeness crab by trap only. The pink area at Point Reyes is an area of navigable water that you may no longer enter. For other areas of the coast, click here.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The official announcement from Fish and Game on salmon season:

Point Arena to Pigeon Point (San Francisco):
♦ April 3-30, 2010*
- 2 salmon per day of any species except coho
- minimum size limit: 20 inches total length

* In mid-April, the Pacific Fishery Management Council and California Fish and Game Commission will determine the ocean salmon sport seasons in effect on or after May 1, 2010.
Sport season options currently being evaluated can be found at

So, you for sure have part of April to fish for salmon. Sharpen up those barbless hooks, or better yet, buy new gear. This opener is more about the economy than the fish, so please do your part.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The pier had more and better crabs than the boats last week with the snare fishermen outdoing the netters. When the ocean is flat enough there is pretty good crabbing in the outer bay, out in front of the Estero de San Antonio. The surfperch were not biting on the beach but limits of very nice rubberlip perch are being caught from boats fishing the rocks in the bay. They are biting best when the tide is flowing. The official salmon season vote is on April 15.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Well, I tried for leopard shark on Wednesday, fishing from the shore at my secret "good spot". Last year at this time there were sharks finning wherever you looked. Wednesday there was nothing. There is a lot of fresh water in the bay that wasn't there last year. I'll try again when things get saltier. Until then there is still crabbing. Also, those of you who have had thoughts of trying for sturgeon in the bay, now's the time. The sturgeon-to-bat ray ratio just improved in your favor.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nothing but the usual to report. A few dungeness, a few more reds, a few reported surfperch (best by the rocks). The leopard sharks should be moving into the shallows any time now. Best bait last year was half a sardine, the bloodier the better. For the record, it's likely that they're spawning so catch and release would be preferred. And you don't need to display your fishing license any more, starting today. Just make sure you still take it with you.