Friday, May 3, 2024

    No photos, as it turns out that pictures of nothing look like, well, nothing. That said, one boat today had two limits of Dungeness in 90 minutes or so, but mostly everybody else had zero. All I've heard for a week is nada. Then these guys show up an kill it. How to present it? Here we go ;"There's crab in the bay. People are limiting out. If you don't have a special crab killer space, well, you're probably belly." These guys had a spot. If you don't, and most of us do not, try. Clearly, the spot exists, but dropping properly baited rings in it is hard. Good luck. Really. Good reports are what make me happy. They generally make the fishermen happy, too. I read in a book by Tom Stienstra that rated Tomales Bay at a five out of ten. When I read it I was disappointed. How could my home water, that I've been fishing for a long time, be half-assed? It turns out, the bastard is right. It ain't that good. But when Tomales Bay is good, damn. Like a woman, when she's good it may be for someone else. In my humble opinion, that's awesome. It should be for someone with the intent and drive. Neither a bay nor a woman should be a guaranteed thing, It ain't just the chicks that demand that you work for them. The work makes it worth it. I've experienced it on both fronts. So, work hard, try hard, and you too may experience a limit. Or not. Fishing. 


Capt. Chelsea said...

I like your fishing reports. Reminds me of my reports back in the day. Capt. Chelsea It's fishing not catching. And any day of fishing is better tham a day of work. Unless your job is taking people fishing.

Willy Vogler said...

Then it is work. I've done both. It's better funnin'. But the money goes the wrong way. Thanks for the compliment. FYI, talking about it sucking is better than experiencing the suck firsthand.

Beachdweller said...

Are you the captain of The Irish Mist?