Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dungeness opens South of Point Reyes.


Wait, what?

Not here?

What the f###?

So, I guess you can catch Dungeness South of Point Reyes now. No red crab, and you can't catch them for money, but still, good for the other guys. Here are some better informational links:

Our newest results are here:  They are indicative of more sadness. Bodega crab tested positive where they had been fine, and passed where they had been a problem. Fort Bragg had a 50% fail (or pass, I shouldn't be so pessimistic) so they're out of it too. We're still weeks away at best. I'm going to go drink a Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball and go to bed before I write something on here that I have to remove later.......


Harvest Time said...

None of this really matters to the DFW, DPH, and their b*st**d ilk as long as they get their MLK, Cesar Chavez and Harvey Milk days off with pay and their guaranteed-benefit spiked pensions. It’s just a game to them and the more complex and dragged out they make it the more headcount and hours they can “justify”.

I’m not cynical though.

Unknown said...

I'm confused. They said it's open south of Pt. Reyes but closed north of Piedras Blancas Light Station? So how far down the coast can I crab?

Willy Vogler said...

It depends. Dungeness from Point Reyes south, red rock crab from Piedras Blancas light station south. Between the two only Dungeness is open.

Unknown said...

So pacifica is closed for red rock crab but only open for dungeness?