Thursday, December 17, 2015

There are some newer but not better crab testing numbers, here.  Looks like a fail at Monterey and two at Santa Barbara. It's just like starting over. I know we're all eager for our chance to go get some crab, but the numbers just aren't there yet. Yes, the numbers the Department of Public Health are looking for are pretty far below where you'd feel any effects from the domoic acid, but keep in mind that they aren't testing every crab in the ocean. Remember the 1000 ppm crab? Only because you didn't eat him. Since the sample size is so small compared to the actual number of crabs in the ocean, they need to exercise an abundance of caution. Have you read this article about the sea lions? I am no fan of the fur bags, but reading about the effects of the DA neurotoxin on them makes me feel bad for them. A little. It also makes me not want to take any chances on my or someone else's health. No crab is hurting my business. It's a ghost town down here. But I'd rather have a short season than have someone get sick and then have no crab season for a decade.


Capn Al said...

Well said. The longer we wait, the crabs get bigger.

ab fish said...

Crabs are gonna get flushed or at least turn green. At least the water nazis can export our water down south.