Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Attention abalone divers and rock pickers: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is going to cut the take of abalone starting in 2014. They are allowing public input as to how they do it until the end of the month. Here's the link to the survey: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/marine/abalonesurvey/ It's like the old stories of child punishment where Pa sends the boy out to cut a switch for whuppin' his backside.


mindpounder said...

Abalone survey completed. I love ab diving,I'm just getting too old for it. I want to see it continue into the generations.

Anonymous said...

I am really upset that their options for regional limits lump Marin and Sonoma county together. If there is a shortage in Sonoma then limit harvest in Sonoma? Why include Marin?

Anonymous said...

It's like the old stories of child punishment where Pa sends the boy out to cut a switch for whuppin' his backside: Ah.....The good old day's.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for. Just like halibut get hammered when salmon season is closed, Marin abalone will receive more pressure if the Sonoma Coast is closed.

ab fish said...

I couLd write a better survey on my last piece of tp takin my morning crap i called fish and wildlife asked them why they havent mailed this survey out to everyone that pUrcHased a punch card no reply i even asked if the mpa's might b forcing more divers into a smaller area to the reply of those mpa's wiLl never b lifted they want a fight and i hope people will go to meetings write a Letter or bombard them with phone calls but they all helP