Sunday, August 19, 2012

Yesterday, I saw a grand total of three halibut, one salmon and one leopard shark caught. The salmon was mooched up off of Bird Rock, the halibut came from off of Dillon Beach on live jacksmelt, and the leopard came from near Hog Island. A diver speared a halibut on the bar and a few more sharks were shot by bow fishermen, but that's it.


WetBandit II said...

I got a nice Angel Shark Out there about 6 ft

I cant seem to catch a dam halibut out there though. Even off much weight are you using?

Willy Vogler said...

Usually 2 to 4 ounces, depending on the bait and drift. Fast drift and strong baits need a little more weight to keep them down. Live bait is no guarantee, and sometimes dead bait outfishes liveys, but usually live bait is going to increase your chances of a seafood dinner.