Monday, August 12, 2019

    Marsha Englebrecht caught this 24 pound salmon yesterday off of Point Reyes. It was one of two 24 pound salmon in the boat piloted by experienced netter John Brezina. The salmon bite has been pretty good down there, but if the forecast is correct you probably can't get there from here this week.

    Ed Parsond caught this 23 pound halibut on the troll at location "off a beach." Not the most helpful information but still a nice fish. 

   Here's Gage's contribution to the fish report. This 15 pound halibut was caught off of McClure's Beach (Probably; it was foggy) on Saturday evening. It would appear that the Gage was trolling from the flasher in the photo. It would also appear that he has learned how to pick 'em.


One more said...

Albacore out of fort Bragg over the weekend, lot of 65 degree water 25 miles out. As of today that same 65 degree water is in Bodega Canyon. The wind/ocean doesn't look good till Sunday.
Fingers crossed

Willy Vogler said...

I'm not convinced that it's the same water. There's a river of blue (cold, green) water between the FB water and our water. I hope that they're there. They probably are since we can't get there from here.

One more said...

If your using Terrafin go to the west coast regional views. It looks like that green water is around 60 degrees and doesn't stretch too far out. The 65 water curls around it and into Bodega canyon.
Like you said we can't get there right now but I do get excited when I see potential offshore!

Thumbs said...

Excellent job on both catching and picking halibut!....I hope most will catch on using a pick or gaff for halibut