Saturday, November 10, 2007

There are some crabs out there but not alot of them. Guys who got limits on the opener are down to 2-3 crabs for a 24 hour soak with 8 pots. I don't know if they're still loading up on them off of Carmet but if they are catching any it's probably better than 10-Mile. I personally caught 2 dungeness at Abbott's on Wednesday. I had more weight in shrimp from 3 shrimp pots than from the crab in 9 crab pots. I think I may stick to shrimping for a while.
On another note, the first draft MLPA maps are out at . The first 6 are from the stakeholders group and probably have more weight. Look at all of them and you'll see a pattern. Bye-bye Point Reyes.

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