I apologize for the late report. This report came in on Monday night, but life occupied me to the point that you only get to hear about now. Again, sorry.
George Homenko sent this report, as well as this video. Nice work, George, and even better video. "A quick crabbing report.
Went out on Monday because the forecast looked pretty good. The mouth was pretty flat and what wind there was from the south soon died down. I was using traps baited with chicken legs in about 60-70 feet of water. Set a line parallel to the beach off a mile or so North of the "TB" buoy. Poor at first but found a better spot and reset my pots around it. Had a limit of 10 in about 90 minutes. No jumbos a couple OKs and a bunch of just barely.
Noticed that when I ate a couple that night they just didn't have that dinginess taste we all like so much. Got some a week ago or so and didn't notice any flavor discrepancies with them. Could be the clutching or molting?
Anyway, all days fishing are good as long as you make back home.
I did a video of me and my boat, single handing some crab. You don't have to mention it. I have always loved Tomales Bay. Many years ago my father would drop me off at Nick's with a small aluminum boat and an outboard when I was 14. I would camp on Hog Island and eat clams by myself. He would come back and get me in a day or two. That was back when Hog had trees on it. I'm 76 now. https://youtu.be/5AWRiGxTOdA
Thanks for your reports.
Capt George" Again, nice work. The crabbing now is almost as slow as it will get.. It cant get too much slower, but it will, a bit, and then start to improve. A bit. Statistically, it will improve and peak at the end of June. Maybe. The critters don't always obey their own rules. Be that as it may, there's a few crab around, and you could even catch one if you're lucky. George knows a few things, so he may get a few more.
The only other report I have is from one boat today that went chasing herring. He saw a lot of fish marking at the surface from Hog to Marshall. All schools that bit were jacksmelt. The others? Maybe herring, but herring hardly ever bite when they're getting ready to spawn, and the fish didn't bite, so maybe herring? Not biting is hardly an indicator, If it is, I have fished in a lot of spawning herring.