Sunday, December 29, 2024


Here's some more video of the big swell from the 23rd. This is the Bodega Bay bell buoy. It ain't that shallow there. I heard that this swell caused damage in Peru. Peru! South of the equator. Well, you know my policy: If it sucks here, it should suck everywhere. 
   Speaking of sucking, the crabbing has dropped off inside the bay. There's still crab, and they're still being caught, but the reports from the last few days aren't as good as from a week ago. My guess is that it is because the tides are really strong again, and strong currents aren't good for crabbing. The guessing isn't often right but it is always fun. Speaking of guessing, salmon season looks like a negative for next year but a friend of mine that knows people that know people thinks that there's a chance for a very short season. Very short. A week? A few days? I think he's an optomist, but somebody has to be. I was one last year but I had it beaten out of me. I'm sure that unlike the last two years, this time will be different... Well, I hope he's right, because the preliminary return numbers were really bad. The fish are overfished without fishing, even though all hatcheries but one had super returns. Unfortunately, the one that missed their numbers was the one that counts for all. Weird! Like the beaten girlfriend always tells the cops, "I'm sure next time will be different."

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