Wednesday, June 12, 2024


     So our Ed, here, has had a kind of spotty start to his local season. He had a couple of fish on his first couple of trips out, then, when the fishing for the rest of got good, Ed, well....I guess he was waiting for this fish. It was almost worth it. This striper weighed 19 pounds on the official scale (sorry Ed, not 20) and made Gage more than a little jealous. Oh, and also, it means stripers are game on. 
      Dorian Guy, fishing with Gage and Alec Bennet (Gage and Alec currently share Alec's fuel pump, so not a surprise that they fish together), caught this nice halibut in the mid to high teens today. It bit a live jacksmelt. There were quite a few halibut caught and quite a few halibut fishermen near Hog Island today (purely coincidence, I'm sure....). There were clusters of boats all around Hog, so we're guessing the clusters indicate somebody catching a fish. The fish are where they are, and, as they have tails and use them (I was told this by an actual marine biologist), they move around a lot, so you should move around a lot too.

1 comment:

Bottom Scratcher said...

Many thanks for Alec and Gage that showed me where to catch smelt on Wednesday morning, which I was able to transform into a 13 lb halibut.