Please note that this is Joe Winn's hand, not Gage's hand. "Hey Willie, happy new year.
Just a little fishing report. The family needed our ocean fix and managed to rent a few cabins up by the store.
Fished Saturday and Sunday. Struggled Saturday, only landed 4 small perch and one tiny halibut but at low tide Saturday found a little structure just south of the day beach. Went back Sunday morning at high tide and had a blast. Non stop action and lots of dinner plate size perch. " So they do exist.
The probable clam pump ban will be decided on February 10. The topic on the agenda is this : "Recreational clam, sand crab, and shrimp gear emergency Discuss and consider adopting emergency regulations to prohibit use of hydraulic pump gear for recreational take of clams, including clarifying amendments to apply the same gear restriction for sand crab and shrimp. (Amend sections 29.20 and 29.80, Title 14, CCR)" So they're looking at banning pumps for ghost shrimp as well. Ghost shrimp, as you well know, make great bait and it would suck to have to dig them up with shovels. Since the water pumps being used too effectively for clamming are a two-man (or more) operation, I think that asking for one-man pumps to be acceptable is reasonable. Public input is being accepted and can be sent here: On your subject line include that your email is about item 20 for the Feb. 10 meeting of the Fish and Game Commission. It may not help but it sure can't hurt.
UPDATE: This was noticed by someone and I have it on the QT that shrimp/clam guns (one man operation without a hose attached) are not being targeted. A note in support of this probably still helps.