Monday, August 31, 2020

  The picture isn't from Tomales Bay but the fisherman is, so: "Hey Willy

Not super local, but worth a pic-hooked into this 45 lb, 47" cali hali outside the Golden Gate. It bit a live anchovy in 60 fow. Biggest one I've ever seen in person.

I'd like to see one of these in Tomales one day!" They exist, my friend. Not many, but I have seen its equal from Tomales Bay five years back. (I'm old enough that five years back is the same as "the other day"). That is a badass fish and worthy of much jealousy. Nice work, Matt Shapiro. 
    Not too much to report today as we only only launched three boats, so our sample size is kinda small. The one important takeaway is that, yes Virginia, there are (or at least, there were) salmon at Abbott's. One of the three boats limited out in short order there, never mind the howling south wind. The wind will likely be similar tomorrow, howling in the midday from the south, but there are (or were) salmon of a good quality there, so if you're willing to trade a beating for a fish, you know where to go.  No halibut report today but I did catch a fourteen pound striper in the surf this evening. On a topwater. It was as glorious as one would hope. 



  1. Badass fish for sure - I would love one half that size!

  2. Badass fish for sure - I would love one half that size!

  3. Congratulations on the top water striper in the surf!

    1. It felt pretty good. Missed one tonight. Big blow-up but never even felt it. Looked cool and made my knees quiver.
