Wednesday, May 9, 2018

   The weekend reports were pretty good for the rockfish and pretty slow for keeper halibut. The rockfish were best from Elephant Rock to Point Reyes and out deeper. Just remember, the 40 fathom depth contour isn't the actual depth, it's a line of waypoints. You need to fish landward of the line. It looks like this:
   Zack the fishcounter had a nice photo of an 11+ pound yelloweye caught "North of the Farallones." There is fishable and unfishable water in that area and knowing one from the other is as important as knowing a yelloweye from a canary (hint: it's pretty important). Also, catching yelloweyes will not only earn you expensive tickets from the men and women in green, it also will kick the rest of us back to the 180 foot curb. Please pay attention, if not for your sake, then please, for me.
   For the halibut over the weekend, there were quite a few caught but not too many of them large enough to bring home. Looking at the temp chart from the Bodega Marine Lab's Tomales Bay Buoy, I think it't time to start looking at Marshall and closer to Hog. Perhaps we'll find something a bit larger there (or at least legal). 


  1. we caught two keepers just north of Marshall on Sat a lot of big sharks also line breakers

  2. One of our Googone Generals caught a 25 lb Hali in SF Bay today.

  3. 108 pound halibut caught up by eureka
