Friday, May 2, 2014

Ron Johnson caught his limit in a couple hours of fishing on Wednesday. His big one hit 20 pounds. Ron was fishing in 270 feet of water off of Bird Rock. Two other boats went out a little later and one of them ended up with a keeper. Yesterday's three boat effort ended with a fish apiece for two boats and three salmon to 19 pounds for Lance Seppi and Nick Bauer. The fish came on herring, 60' to 110' down in 300' of water.

Today, two boats went out and returned with no fish. Where the water was brown yesterday it's now clear and cold today. There are some other boats out looking but the radio sounds awfully morose. Crabbing is slowing down and many of the Dungeness in the outer bay are recent molts that are clean, pretty and nearly empty inside (kind of like a lot of Hollywood stars). There are a very few surfperch coming in but there's a few leopard shark biting down toward Marshall in Tomales Bay. The water is warming up back there so the sharks are pretty active. Lots of baitfish schooled up back there, too, but no halibut reports yet.


  1. morose, good word

  2. Has anyone gotten salmon on the mooch yet?


  3. Patience, Outlaw. They start out deep on the troll, move to the beach usually in June, and by late July/early August are ready to bite mooched bait. Sometimes things come early and some years not at all, but that's the expected salmon timetable.

  4. Thank you. Patience is not one of my better qualities. When they come, I'll be ready. Until then........shrimp??

