Friday, November 15, 2013

If you have a boat stored down here you'd better lock it up. A pair of guys in a white Ford Expedition with the license plates removed came in at 3:00 AM last night, hooked up to one of the boats parked here, and drove off for the gate. Unfortunately for them they were spotted and the gate was closed just in front of them. There was a bit of a scuffle and ultimately the thieves were allowed to leave without the boat. And a tooth. It's lucky for them that they met the one guy without a firearm. That has been fixed. Fair warning to other crooks: These trailers aren't all empty and it's a mile to the exit, plus another two miles to the first y in the road.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU TEAM LAWSONS for all you do!
Appreciate the security heads up and the action you have performed protecting others property.
Plese note,I would like to be one the first to volunteer to help dispose of thieves bodies in the future if needed : it is crab season after all and the boat and pots are already there.

Tomales Outlaw said...

Second what MG said. I wonder if those guys know how easy they got off.


Anonymous said...

That's what you call wholesome severity :)

Julie said...

Thanks Beach Family,
So glad you're looking out for us!

Rust Never Sleeps