Monday, July 4, 2011

A few surfperch and a couple of halibut caught this weekend that I heard of. No salmon due to the weather offshore. The clams took a hit on these last good low tides. The clams almost got their revenge, though, when a 12' aluminum boat (which was rated to 545 lbs of persons and gear) holding 10 people turned over right at the pier. There weren't enough pilings for everyone to hold on to, but luckily a couple of boats were close by to haul people to shore. They were very lucky it didn't happen in the middle of the channel, because it would have been a heck of a fight over that one life jacket they had.

1 comment:

Nancy Vogler said...

Maybe they were working on a book entitled, "WHAT NOT TO DO WHEN GOING CLAM DIGGING" ?