Monday, March 30, 2009

The crabs have slowed a bit but are still coming. Again, be careful with your measurements since a 5 11/16" dungeness can cost you hundreds of dollars and a day in court. If you're not sure if a crab is legal size, it probably isn't, and you don't want it. The clams are definitely coming back with limits of nice clams for those with a bit of practice. The leopard sharks have moved on and the surfperch haven't really caught fire yet; there's a few perch being caught, but only a few. Abalone season starts on the 1st and luckily the only change is the size of the abalone punch card and tags. If you end up trapped on the beach while abbing you can almost use your punch card as an emergency blanket. You should still review the regulations as they are very specific as to the order and timing of your tagging procedure. 

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