Sunday, August 3, 2008

Clams, crabs, abalone and a few halibut this weekend. One halibut from in front of the day beach parking lot (to the gentleman who caught that fish: we have your Salt-Away unit in the shop) and the rest from Hog Island back. The abalone conditions were not prime due to surge and poor visibility but most divers limited. Clamming was good for those that started early enough. The crabbing was good for those who were able to get across the bay. There were crabs caught on the pier as well but there was a lot more competition for those crabs, as well as a big sea lion that showed up Sunday to eat people's bait. Don't worry, if he eats your bait we'll sell you more.


Unknown said...

took a dinner halibut near marshall and released a large leopard off our dock south of heart's desire. saw other halibut taken as well from tomales beach down to indian beach.

willy - give me a shout if you know someone who needs a passenger and gas money for an albacore run.


Mike G said...

Thank you Willy and Gang.
I will pick up the left behind unit this next weekend.
Thank you gain for grabbing it, Mike G