Saturday, January 31, 2009
Those of you who have enjoyed salmon fishing in the past or may want to see a salmon in the future, please read this: These guys are fighting for the salmon and every other fish that swims in the delta. They also fight for our right to fish. They seem like good people. Please take a look.
Here's a chart showing the rockfish "30 fathom" line. In some places it follows the actual 30 fathom curve and in others, not so much. I'm still trying to figure out how to get this line on to my GPS. If anyone knows how please post a comment here or email me at . The rest of us would like to know.
Friday, January 30, 2009
New rules for rockfishing this year. It would appear that, in the waters near Dillon Beach, the season will open on June 13 and (unless closed earlier) will close on October 31. Maximum depth is no longer 120 feet but is closer to 180 feet. I say closer because the depth limit will no longer be determined by actual water depth but instead by a line between the 30-fathom waypoints listed in the Federal Register (50 CFR Part 660, Subpart G). For those of you who haven't read the Federal Register the waypoints in our area are: N38 16.52' W123 05.62', N38 14.42' W123 01.91', N38 08.24' W122 59.79', N38 02.69' W123 01.96', N38 00.00' W123 04.75', N37 58.41' W123 02.93'. Good luck staying on the right side of the line.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dungeness crab are still coming in on the pier and in the bay. No limits, but usually a couple of legal crabs (or more) for those that put in the time and effort. One group landed 17 keepers over three days effort on the pier. I've heard of even better numbers landed by boaters soaking their gear over the turn of the tide. Wherever you go, fresh bait is key to good crabbing.