Two photos of what we believe is a sheep crab. It was caught on hook and line from Sand Point and is by far the largest spider crab anyone around here has seen. Nothing else caught yesterday with even catching live bait proving difficult for many. Three halibut were shot by a diver on the bar, though, so even though they weren't biting they are there. Over the week when the weather was better there were halibut taken at Ten Mile beach on the troll and right in front of Dillon Beach in 15-20 feet of water on live jacksmelt. Hopefully a good report will follow today's fishing.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Frank Green with the new fish to beat, a 40#, 48.5" halibut. The water has warmed up enough the last few days to get the flatties biting again. They're coming from Ten Mile and right out in front of the town of Dillon Beach. Frank won't say exactly where he was, but it wasn't Ten Mile beach. Any divers who might be interested, be advised: the water turned dark and murky with the slight raise in temperature and those who've been diving report bad visibility. The weather forecast is for wind by this weekend, 15-25 knots, which is what we've had most of the summer. Maybe they'll be wrong.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Mike Gibson with a 26.5# halibut from right in front of the campground. He had three halibut all told and released a large salmon on the bar. There were other halibut caught (and salmon released) from the north end of Ten Mile beach. The rockfishing was pretty good most of the week but slowed down in the last day or so. The ocean had a big swell on it the last few days as well but the forecast is for better weather this week. The first albacore of the season were reported out of Half Moon Bay last week so hopefully the weather will get nice and the water will move in.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Frank Sakaoka and Steeve B. with their 26# and 22# lingcod. Frank's took a ling bar and the 22# was trying to eat another fish. These fish came from Point Reyes. Apparently the big females are coming in to the shallows to spawn. One boat had six halibut to 18# from the back bay. Some other flatties came from 10 Mile this week. The rockfishing has been good early in the day before the wind gets up too bad. From the stories I've heard the salmon fishing would have been good this week if the season had been open. Several salmon were released at boatside by very disappointed anglers.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Clams, crabs, abalone and a few halibut this weekend. One halibut from in front of the day beach parking lot (to the gentleman who caught that fish: we have your Salt-Away unit in the shop) and the rest from Hog Island back. The abalone conditions were not prime due to surge and poor visibility but most divers limited. Clamming was good for those that started early enough. The crabbing was good for those who were able to get across the bay. There were crabs caught on the pier as well but there was a lot more competition for those crabs, as well as a big sea lion that showed up Sunday to eat people's bait. Don't worry, if he eats your bait we'll sell you more.
Friday, August 1, 2008
For those of you with albacore on the brain, check out the link to They update when they have something to show, the detail is pretty good, the included weather links to the buoys are handy, and it's free, so far. Gotta love that.
A few halibut were caught this week. The Hog Island area gave up a 26 pounder on Wednesday. A limit was taken on Thursday by a gentleman trolling artificials farther back in the bay. Today saw a pair of fish in the teens taken, one in the back bay and one from in front of Dillon Beach. The rockfish bite was pretty good for those willing to put up with a bumpy ride. One boat brought back 50 rockfish and 2 ling cod from Elephant Rock and another boat has limited out four days in a row. Red crabbing has been pretty good, especially across the bay by the kelp. Judging by the number of dungeness crab being landed and released, we should have a pretty good sport season this fall.