Wednesday, April 12, 2017

    I was sent photographic evidence of surfperch. The majority of the perch are about this size but there's a few larger ones mixed in. I'm waiting for news from a couple of hopeful striper fishermen today but as of yet all is quiet.


Hayseed said...

On 4/10/17 this ship was working in Bodega Bay. Thanks Willy for the ID

Hayseed said...

Hanging up the Crab pots for the season. Soaked them for 24 hours in 160' off the Estero, 3 Crab for 10 pots, we were getting 8-10 per pot weeks ago, at least they were jumbos. Dusting off the Salmon and Rockfish gear and getting ready to catch some fresh table fair. Anybody hear of any Halibut coming off of ten mile or inside Tomales Bay?

ab fish said...

Boy that south wind came up today we still got 4 lings and half a dozen blacks. Heard about 2 rescues up north Saturday salt pt. Ranger on the jet ski saved 3 guys 2 separate rescues.