Saturday, June 22, 2013

The weather is not quite what one would hope for but the salmon are there. Boats returned to day with results ranging from limits for three people to nothing and seasickness. The most successful guy I spoke with fished out further than the average boat from here (200+ feet of water) and caught on his deepest line only. Tomorrow looks like a good weather window with less chance for mal de mer and more opportunity to concentrate on catching. Worst case scenario, you soak a few pots in the outer bay and come home with probably your last fresh crab of the season. The crabbing  is decent right now and only gets worse in a week. As a public service announcement, I'd like to remind people that, when launching your boat, stop backing up when the boat is floating. Float-testing your pickup truck is inadvisable and none will pass. Also, if you see an early 2000's silver Toyota Tundra for sale in the next week or so, don't buy it.

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